Our Schizoid Nation

It’s no secret that the U.S. is a nation of contradictions. We prostrate ourselves before traitors and seditionists of the past (and present) in the name of “freedom”, yet our legislators are stripping our freedoms away from anyone and everyone who doesn’t look or think like them.

During the civil war those seditionist/traitors who committed acts of war against our government, did so in the name of THEIR freedom to ENSLAVE others.

Today they’ve done so in the name of THEIR freedom to 1. not wear a mask. 2. not get a vaccination. 3. “protect” the “pre-born” (sorry y’all… you’re NOT Frank Herbert, and your so-called “pre-born”… it’s not a thing.), those “pre-born” who would have as much awareness of their own existence as any of these seditionist/traitors did before THEY were born. NONE, Zero, Zip, NADA, Zilch, Null… but they’ll never get it.

They want “the government” to stay out of their business, but have no problem when the government gets involved in the rights of our LGBTQ brothers, sisters, and non-binaries to present themselves as they identify. It’s hard enough being a heterosexual child on the verge of puberty, learning about your sexuality and identity, but these self-same hypocrites have no problem alienating, persecuting, and subjecting the families, friends, counselors, and teachers to possible criminal prosecution just because they love someone enough to help them through the tumultuous time that IS the exploration of who you are.

They scream, “snowflake!” and “cancel culture”, even as they bandy about false accusations of phone theft, and “threats” that come from a man who simply asked that their dog be put on a leash as per the law, (btw… the man in question was a man of color, shocking right? No.) They intentionally cross state lines with an illegally obtained human-hunting machine for the express purpose of KILLING people who have absolutely nothing to do with that individual, then threaten to sue every media personality who points out that what they did was illegal and even perhaps more importantly… IMMORAL.

What happened to those so-called “conservatives” who preached, “clean up your own back yard”? … oh yeah, their existence is a fallacy. They’ve never existed. They’ve always… since the dawn of society… ostracized, persecuted, spewed venom, hatred, and judgement on anyone who dared to embrace themselves as they are, and to stand proudly in the face of socially forced conformity and say, “THIS is me, you don’t have to like me. I like ME and that’s enough!”

So the question is… what are they so afraid of? Really.


A gun has more rights than a woman in ‘murica now


A Case Against SJW Woke-ism in Entertainment 3-29-22